It's All Write offers a range of services to aspiring and published authors. Our aim is to help you produce your best possible book whether you are seeking a traditional publisher or aim to self publish.
If you've finished your first draft and need feedback on how well your story hangs together, ask for a structural edit. We'll give you feedback on character, plot, setting, pacing, style, voice, point of view and all the other elements that make up a finished book. If you are further down the track and just need a fresh set of eyes to check for grammar and punctuation errors as well as typos, ask us to proofread your manuscript for you.
My expertise and experience is editing general fiction and non-fiction with a focus on genre fiction. I do not edit poetry, plays, academic or technical texts. Below is an explanation of what is covered by each edit and my fee structure.
Price Guide 2023/4*
* All fees are quoted in Australian dollars. If required, request a conversion to USD when asking for a quote.
This includes in-line notes and an editing report on story and content, focusing primarily on characters, plot, setting, dialogue and point of voice but also commenting on voice, style, pacing and elements of grammar and punctuation, particularly verb tense. A structural edit usually results in additional revision for the author.
> 30,000 words: $500
30,000-80,000 words: $1,300
80,000-100,000 words: $2,000
< 100,000 words: please request an individual quote using the form below.
Time required: 1 month from agreed date
A line edit focuses on the manuscript at sentence level and can be the difference between a competently told story and one that sings on the page; between deft and clumsy prose. I’ll assist you to create seamless transitions, cliffhanging chapter endings, page turning pacing and snappy dialogue. I give advice on style and linguistic issues that need work: word repetitions, incorrect word usage, tense problems, etc. I also check for inconsistencies, for example a change in a character’s name or eye colour. Line edits are more time intensive than structural edits. Revisions based on line edits will require patience, attention to detail and a commitment to revising their manuscript sentence by sentence from the author.
> 20,000 words: $600
20,000-30,000 words: $800
30,000-40,000 words: $1,000
40,000-80,000 words: $1,900
80,000-100,000 words: $2,500
< 100,000 words: please request an individual quote using the form below.
Time required: 6 weeks from agreed date.
DEVELOPMENTAL EDIT PACKAGE: two passes including a structural and a line edit
The developmental edit package includes two passes on your manuscript, that is one structural edit and one line edit. It covers content and story and then focuses on polishing the story, writing craft and voice as detailed above. This package offers a discount to authors who choose to do both a structural edit and a line edit with me. The package is available to anyone who does a structural edit with me. The line edit will include comment on revisions made following the structural edit.
> 30,000 words: $1,500
30,000-80,000 words: $3,000
80,000-100,000 words: $3,500
< 100,000 words: please request an individual quote using the form below.
Time required: individual timelines will be drawn up.
Read through for spelling, grammar, punctuation and typesetting errors. Spelling and grammar programs miss a variety of elements picked up by the human brain, especially in complex sentences.
Fees: proofreading fees are 1.5 cents per word.
Typesetting and layout of manuscript for ebook and print book formats. Conversion of manuscript to ebook and paperback files for supply to retailer.
Fee: request a quote. Can include proofreading if required.
Set up Amazon and Draft2Digital author accounts, my recommendations for self-publishing, through uploading, approval and publishing of novel.
Fee: request a quote.
Other self-publishing support services are available. Contact me to discuss your specific needs.
Get a Quote/Schedule an edit
Terms and conditions:
Electronic submissions only. All manuscripts must be sent as a Word document.
It is preferable that your manuscript be complete when submitted (at least a first draft). However, we will also assess partial manuscripts following discussion.
Fifty percent of the agreed fee is due on acceptance of quotation. The remainder of the fee is payable prior to handover of edit.
The editor is happy to correspond with the writer regarding the edit / report once completed.

“Good stories are not written, they are rewritten.”
Phyllis Whitney - mystery writer
Copyright © 2021 Laura Boon.
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